No doubt it's impractical to try to 'cure' stress in the sense of eliminating all occurrences. But there are several practical short-term and effective long-term strategies for minimizing it and its effects.
Most individuals under stress will let it build, ignoring it for too long. They cite the need to get a work project completed, or view their situation as unchangeable. "That's life," many will say. But no form of ill-effect is inevitable, nor is it necessary or wise to passively accept one.
The first step is always to increase awareness in two directions - outward and inward. Be conscious of your internal state and evaluate it as realistically as possible. Be objective about external circumstances. When you recognize a circumstance as legitimately worrisome, reacting with concern and a degree of stress is normal and healthy. Unreasonable fear and obsession are not.
Then, take a moment to breath - literally. One of the most common reactions to stress is tension, usually muscle tension. The neck muscles will stiffen and breathing will often be more shallow. Focus on this, check for it and, if present, consciously loosen up neck muscles with a gentle side to side motion of your head. Take a deep breath or two.
Yoga and other psycho-physical exercises can help mitigate stress factors. Getting 8 hours of quality sleep is paramount when living under stressful conditions, etc.
Studies show that melatonin supplementation can regulate your sleep patterns. Melatonin is an ingredient in Mynutritionstore's MYSLEEP.
Studies show that Valerian Root may/can mitigate the effects of stress. Valerian Root, found in MYSLEEP is listed on the pharmacopoeia of 23 countries around the world as a mild tranquilizer.
Something as simple and old-fashioned as a walk in the park can be helpful. It's not simply an old wives tale that fresh air and sunshine can be relaxing. It's also true that moderate exercise helps relieve many of the accompanying physical symptoms of stress.
Playing music of certain types is helpful. Seeing a comedy on TV or at the movies is beneficial. Laughter is a great mood lifter. A creative activity can be helpful, especially if there is some accompanying physical activity. It could be as simple as making a birdhouse or as advanced as painting or sculpture.
A talk with a sympathetic friend could be useful, but it's a good idea not to spend too much time talking about the circumstances causing stress or the stress itself. A good airing is beneficial, but too many times it's an excuse to obsess over the problem. Some people are too much inclined to seek out only those who will reinforce negative evaluations.
Just keep in mind that these are all techniques to help relieve symptoms, they don't address the underlying causes. As such, they are only one (albeit important) component in curing stress. For that, more in-depth action is needed. recommends Immune Stress Support, with adaptogens, which are plant and herbal extracts that help the whole body system "adapt" and normalize, creating an overall sense of balance and harmony. Along with a Synergistic Antioxidant formula. Immune Stress Support combats daily stress and boost immune responses.
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